Saturday, March 19, 2011

A little bit of nothing.

We have had a good and low-key past several days.  I have finished a lot of "projects".  Yesterday we went to Men's Warehouse for Steven to get fitted for his best friend's wedding this summer.  After, we headed to our Borders because they are having a big out of business sale.  I know it is sad that they are going out of business, but I can see why because even with everything 40% off, I'm sure I could have gotten a lot of that stuff cheaper on Amazon.  We went to dinner at Macaroni Grill which was really good (and my leftovers are in the oven as we speak, waiting to be my lunch) plus I had a buy one entree get one free coupon so I'm all about that!  And our last stop was Petland... I am getting more and more anxious to have a house and a puppy so it was fun to look at the pup's.  The last time we were there they only had one medium or large size dog, it was a Siberian Husky.  This time they had several- a sheep dog, husky, german shephard, cocker spaniel, and some others.

I saw this verse on someone's blog and just knew I needed to save it...

"serve the Lord with all your heart; and do not turn aside after useless things that cannot profit or save." -1 Samuel 12:20-2

I have been trying to make the most out of these past few months where Steven and I have had nothing on the agenda.  But it is hard to feel like I'm doing anything useful, because really I'm just finding things to do to make the time go by faster.  Maybe God is giving us this time just as a time of rest before everything becomes super busy and demanding.  There is value in that.  But especially after we have moved and have jobs, I need to keep in mind to prioritize my time and do things that have actual value.

On another note, I have found a cute way to present a baby present.

I saw the idea to use these clear plastic "paint cans" as a gift basket on This Blessed Nest.

All I did was cut out a "B" (Baby's name is Brycen) and modge mod-podge it to the can.

Then I gathered up my goodies (I am still working on those pacifier "leashes"... the darn suspender clips are never in stock at Hobby Lobby!)

And stuck 'em inside.  I think the can can later be used for bath toys, crayons, diapers... pretty much any kind of storage in the baby's room.

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