Monday, March 7, 2011

The Chest is Done!

I'm so excited!  The cedar chest is officially off of my to do list!

Here are some pictures of my great grandma's cedar chest before:
(do forgive the boxes and mess in the background... we thought we were moving in January and I didn't have the heart to unpack the things I had packed!)

And here it is after I reupholstered, refinished, and added some new knobs!

perfect for holding games!

The poor thing doesn't have a space though in our small dingy apartment.  It is sitting in a corner under our window, covered up by a blanket so it doesn't get dirty.  I am ready for a HOUSE so I can show it off!  (and other reasons, obviously!)


  1. Love what you did and the fabric is beautiful!! I have one that I have been thinking about working on. Thanks for the inspiration.


  2. It's fabulous! I almost threw out my mom's, but did a similiar redo instead...your fabric is much prettier than mine though :)

  3. Just wondering, where did you purchase that fabric? I've been looking for a similar design for my kitchen curtains. Thanks!

  4. fantastic redo! love the new look, and that fabric is so fun!

  5. Thank you everyone for your sweet comments! And the fabric is from Hancock Fabric... I'm not sure if that is a nationwide chain or not? It was at the first store I went "fabric hunting" to, but I kept looking and 4 stores later, found myself back at Hancock because I didn't find any I liked better!

  6. I just came over to your blog from Thrifty Decor it! and the trunk is amazing. Especially the fabric choice!
