Well, hello there, stranger.
one blog followers have pointed out that it's been over a month since I've talked to you... (thanks Mom! :) )
Quite a lot has happened... the most news-worthy was Steven catching himself on fire on Labor Day!
Every year, our church has a big outdoor picnic for Labor Day and Memorial Day. Steven got there early to help our pastor start grilling the meat. It was very windy and while he was flipping over some brats, he felt his body getting warm and assumed he was standing too close to the grill, until he looked down and there was a fireball on his hip. He panicked and tried to rip off his apron, therefore putting his fingers in the flames, and finally a deacon who happened to be there early with them told him to roll in the grass. After a couple seconds of rolling, the fire was finally out. Our pastor's wife, Susan, took him to the hospital.
Meanwhile, I was back at the house getting ready to leave. I was literally right about to call Steven to see if he needed me to pick up any more ice or anything, when my phone rang and I saw it was from Steven's phone. I answered, and really it was Susan calling with his phone. She told me not to worry, but Steven caught on fire at the picnic and was at the hospital with really severe burns. I left the house asap and had it imagined really terrible in my head... Like he was going to be a burn victim and this was a life-changing thing.
But, praise God, when I got there (to his room in the Trauma unit!!), he was alert and in good spirits. He had his fingers in a bowl of cold water. The doctor came in and told us he had second degree burns on his eight fingers (not thumbs) and waist line where the apron was tied. Steven said it was the most excruciating pain he had felt in his life. They gave him a lot of pain medication, which made him itchy and nauseous. He couldn't scratch his itches though because his fingers were burnt, so I got the privilege of scratching his forehead, eyes, neck, and even the inside of his nose multiple times (bringing our relationship to a whole new level!).
Now he is doing really well and all of his fingers but one of his middle fingers have healed nicely. We went to a burn specialist the next day, and saw a man in the waiting room with both of his hands bandaged and a terrible burn all on the top of his head. It really put in perspective how God protected Steven and how blessed we are!! Steven said he is just a guy with a burn, while that other guy is an actual burn victim...
One of the worst parts about this story, is that I am the one who provided the apron that caught on fire! I invited some girls from church over to decorate it, and we worked really hard on it. Turns out the craft aprons are not flame resistant, so I can't help but feel a little guilty...
In other news, I started my job! (about a month ago...). It is going pretty well... The first day was definitely "culture shock". I came home crying to Steven... I just wasn't ready for the level of dependence and quality of life that the residents at the nursing home are experiencing. I am getting more comfortable every day though, as I get to know the residents better and know what to expect.
We went home the first weekend in September, because Steven's father figure, Matt, had to report to jail that Monday. We all found out really late and they had like 5 days before he had to report. We left (with Barkley!) at midnight on Thursday morning , and left Saturday evening. It was a sad occasion, but I'm glad that Steven got to spend that extra time with Matt before he left. Matt has really invested a lot in Steven's life, even though they are not related and he had no obligation to. I really believe that if Matt hadn't taken him in when he was a teenager, Steven would be down a totally different path, so I thank God for Matt fulfilling that very important role in Steven's life.
Autumn has come to us super fast. One day it was 100 degree summer, and the next it was 70 degree, rainy autumn. For the first time I am actually kind of excited for the fall to be here... it was a long, HOT summer and now that we have a garage and our own house to decorate, Autumn isn't sounding THAT bad...
I am excited to come home this weekend for my cousin Ali's wedding! Not excited for the 3.5 hour drive, but excited for the festivities that will take place and to see everyone. I'm going to leave Friday after work and drive back Monday morning.
That's about it for me! Until next time... :)