Friday, February 4, 2011


Today was a very good day!

Steven and I got up early (well, early for us) to help our church deliver Power Packs.  Power Packs are a bags of food our church provides two times a month for students at a low-income elementary school here in Springfield.  Today they were due to bring the packs to the school to give the kids, but it was a snow day, so drivers were needed to deliver the packs to the kids homes. Steven and I had kind of a crazy time maneuvering the snowy/icy back-roads while using my phone for directions to bring 12 kids their Power Packs.  One of the homes was down a really steep hill and my heart was racing when we tried to go back up it- we had to try a couple of times.  We are so proud to be a part of a church that is so involved in loving and blessing their community!

We came back home and I took a short nap, then met with my friend Lauren to get Sonic Happy Hour and then go to Hobby Lobby and get some more tulle for a project I was working on.  Lauren is one of the best friends you will ever find.  She just found out she got a job at Panera so I was excited to hear about it and celebrate with her!

Came home and finished my DIY Valentine's wreath with my material from Hob Lob.  Steven and I then went to the BBC basketball game and saw a lot of Steven's (and my) old friends.  Made us realize it had been way too long since we've hung out with them!  I think we might get together with them again tomorrow night.

Well, aside from making new recipes, I have also been making projects for myself to make the time go by faster.  I'd say I've been to Hobby Lobby at least once, if not twice, a week since the new year.  I feel so crafty!  ha.  Here's the Valentine's wreath I finished today!

I have also been making some little girls hair bows.  One of my best friends (who was also a Bridesmaid in our wedding), Kimmy, is pregnant with a little girl.  I am so excited and love browsing the baby aisles whenever I go shopping!  Girls are so much fun!  Anyway, one day I was tempted to buy some little hair bows, but got to thinking that I could make them myself and they would (hopefully) be cuter, customized, from the heart, cheaper, and it would keep me busy!  Five in one!  So off to Hob Lob I went and bought some ribbon, and I'm pretty pleased with the results so far!

These are "headbands"- I attached stretchy nylon stuff to put it on the baby's head

little tiny bows with little tiny hair clips glued on- for when there is barely any hair on the little gal's head!

And these are bigger and have bigger hair clips sewn onto the back.  The baby will definitely have to be a little older and have some more hair before she will be able to wear these!

Well, thanks for looking!

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