Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Steven and I have enjoyed the last couple of days just laying low!  We honestly haven't done much more than sleep, watch TV/movies, and go out for ice cream.  It's nice for a couple of days but I'm not sure how much longer we can do it lol.  However, I know that a year from now, we will both *hopefully* have jobs and full schedules, and we will be thinking back to these days when we had nothing to do and be grateful for them!  So I'm trying to soak it in.

In further news, I added up our "coupon savings" for 2010 and we are at a grand total of $1132.50!  The little things definitely do add up.  After reading The Treasure Principle this year, we felt prompted to give half of our coupon savings of the year to missions/charities, while saving the other half.  I am excited for this to become a new tradition!  There is nothing better than giving to those who are not as fortunate as yourself and being a blessing to them...  We have been VERY blessed and God makes it clear that "to whom much is given, much is expected."  We can definitely do better in this area and one thing I am most excited for as we are finding a new church home to be more giving in not only our finances, but also our time.

That's all for now... I'm hoping to watch a movie with my hubbs after this football game is over!

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