I was able to go to the dentist last Wednesday- found out that I have TMJ. I don't know a great deal about it, except that I have a tight joint that connects my jaw and ear? He said it is made more prominant by stress... I guess I have had some stress in my life lately! Anyway, I have been taking aspirin and putting a warm water bottle on my jaw area before bed, and I have slept a lot better!
Thursday night we left to go back to KC. Steven's brother, Jhon, graduated today (Saturday) so we wanted to come a little early to see my family too. We got there close to ten, luckily everyone was still up so we got to talk for a while. Saturday, we ran some errands with my mom and then picked up A&K from school with her. We all had dinner together, then Dad and I ran to Dollar General, WalMart, Family Dollar, Target, Family Dollar, and one last stop at WalMart! We got back and played some games before bed.
Today we left around 9:30 for graduation at 10. It lasted till around noon, then we got to see the Tucker's for a little bit before the graduation party which was at 3. We stayed a couple hours, then headed back to St. Louis. It was a long car ride (3.5 hours each way) for a short trip, but I'm glad we were able to go.
Tomorrow is Steven's first day actually preaching in youth. He's going to give his testimony. I'm excited for how it will go!
AND... Monday I leave for North Carolina!
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