No update in nearly a week? Well, to my credit, I was sick as a dog most of that time. It started on my birthday, and I used up four... yes, four... packages of kleenex! I didn't feel up to doing ANYTHING, so pretty much I just slept in, watched TV, took naps, watched TV, then went to bed. It was mostly a throat, sinus, nose thing, and it's still here a little but so much better than it was last week!
My family came this weekend! I'm so glad they got to come and meet the people we are talking about, and see the area where we will be living. We had a great time with them. Saturday they got here around lunch time, we went to Lion's Choice for lunch then showed them our house. I think they liked it. :) Then we went to the zoo, and I was really impressed with the St. Louis Zoo! LOVED the penguin exhibit, you're like 2 feet away from the penguins! We got back, had a late dinner at Culver's, then went swimming at their hotel.
Sunday we all went to church, then got lunch at Bandana's BBQ. Took a nap and played some games at their hotel, then we all came to the Waltrip's for dinner. It was really good and they had so much food... I think we will be eating it all week! We all went back to the hotel that night to swim again, and I left a little early to come back and make puppy chow for our church Memorial Day picnic.
Today was our first Memorial Day picnic with the church. They had a TON of food! We were there from around 11:30 - 2:30 and I think it was the hottest day of the year so far, but it was fine in the shade because of the breeze. My family left from the park... I'm so glad they got to come! Steven and I headed back to the Waltrip's, watched a movie with Paige and her boyfriend, then I took a nap. We're taking it easy tonight!
In other news, I am seriously excited about our house! June 16 will be here before we know it, I figured out today it is only two and a half weeks away! We need to get serious about picking out flooring, carpeting, and paint colors, and getting our time schedule better organized. It didn't really feel like the day would ever really get here, so now that it's coming I want to be as prepared as possible!
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