Monday, September 10, 2012

I Wanna Talk About Me!

I found this list on someone else's blog...

You Might Be A People Pleaser If….
1. You say Yes when you really want to say NO!
2. You don’t set boundaries.
3. You change your behaviors (language, actions, beliefs) depending on the person you are with.
4. You don’t speak up for yourself when someone has crossed your boundaries.
5. You buy things because they are “cool”.
6. You beat yourself up for things you said or did with other people.
7. You think you can control other people’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
8. You think other people’s needs are more important that your own.
 9. You get stuck in fear based stories about failure and/or perfection.
10. You don’t know who you are without the approval of others.

This really hit home for me today!  I have been struggling with a couple of different scenario's at work which left me thinking "I wish I had stuck up for myself..."

My entire life I have been a people pleaser.  It is not always a bad thing.  After all, we are on this Earth to serve people and make Disciples out of them!  How are we to do that if we are consumed in ourselves and only focused on what WE want?  I believe that we are to love others and put them above ourselves.

But I also believe that God did not create us to be meek or timid.  Just because I am a Christian does not mean that I am a doormat or that He is pleased when I am passive or non-confrontational.

My parents told me when I was a kid that I didn't have to worry about pleasing them, but to please God and when I do my best to please Him, I will please them as well.

So I don't want to be a people-pleaser.  I want to be a Jesus-pleaser.  :)


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