Friday, May 4, 2012

Before and After!

I am sitting here with Steven waiting for my cousin Dayna and her family to get here! I have another 3 hours so I thought I would put up a few projects I have finished lately.

Here is our EntryWay a couple of weeks ago...

(sorry for the blue tape... but doesn't it make a nice effect to the pic?  haha)

And here it is tonight!

Much prettier!

As you know, I was DYING to get a dresser for our guest bedroom.

I spent the last month scouring Craigslist and Goodwill, but never found the right thing at the right price.

A few weeks ago, I found a pretty antique dresser in St. Charles that was listed for $15 over what I wanted to spend.  I asked the guy if he would come down but he said no.

I waited a few days to find anything, but had no luck.  I asked Steven if I could spend the extra money to get the dresser, but he said we had to stick to our guns.  That day I drove to the St. Charles Goodwill and was VERY tempted to text the guy and ask him to please let me come pick it up!  But I knew that would not be a fun conversation when I got home so I withheld.  :)

THAT night, I found a beautiful antique SET on Craigslist...  a dresser, night table, and dressing table.  The whole set for $25 more than I was willing to pay for a dresser!  This was the without a doubt the best deal I'd seen in the month I looked, so I e-mailed them right away and told her I would take it off her hands the next day if she wanted!

Didn't hear back from her that night.  I laid in bed and prayed that God would bless my respecting my husband's wishes and our sticking to our budget.

When I woke up, I had a missed call from the girl!  Called her back and she said she had 6 e-mails about it, but mine seemed the most sure that I wanted it.  We picked it up that night.

Steven had to get very creative to fit this all in my SUV!

They have the original pulls/knobs and rollers on the feet.

Dresser before:

 Dressing Table (and my reflection) before:

Someone even wrote us a sweet note inside of one of the drawers!

I debated over painting the set Aqua or Coral... Ended up choosing Aqua because I already had some paint I got for free!

Here it is!!  Painted the pulls white.

My mom gave me the idea to tape wrapping paper in the drawers instead of shelf liner...  I love it!

 And the long-awaited dresser in our guest room...

Steven came home from FedEx on Wednesday with Tulips for me!  When we were dating, I told him they were my favorite flower.

I LOVE them!

Have a great weekend!


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