:: Do you shop at Aldi's? I do. I actually <3 Aldi's. I feel that they are any newly-wed's BFF. We have one right down the street (conveniently next to WalMart). And, although sometimes I wonder about walking through the parking lot alone (I am sure this is not true for all Aldi locations, I just live in the "ghetto" side of town), it is worth it when I think of how much I am about to spend in my head, and the total is less than that! Some things I always try to buy at Aldi are sour cream, milk, cheese (blocks or shredded), paper plates, pickles (they are the best pickles ever), and canned goods. All of these things I have found are just as good as the regular brand but are substantially enough cheaper that it is worth the extra stop. I always just bring a cloth re-useable bag with me (I don't usually get more than one bag's worth) and I am good to go!
:: Every night, I think of a story in my head to get me to go to sleep. This keeps me from thinking about or stressing about real-life events. Steven tells me, "just don't think about anything", but my mind doesn't work that way. I have several "stories" that have going on at any given time... I just pick the one that is the most appealing that night and add on to it until I fall asleep. I try to keep them realistic. For example, one of my "stories" is how I find out I am pregnant, and then we find out I am preggo with triplets. I have it all thought out how I would tell Steven we were pregnant, and then how we would tell my parents it was triplets. I have thought out how I have to go on bed-rest because all the weight is too much on my lil' body. I haven't gotten to their birth yet but each night I add on a little more to the story...
:: A kitchen mixer would be so handy. I have a hand-held one now, because we don't have counter space for a stand-up one, but when we get a house I would like one eventually. Maybe a yellow one to match my theme? The hand-held seemed like a good idea at the time but I always end spraying cookie dough (or whatever I'm making) in a hundred different directions, including my clothes, the kitchen floor, and probably someone's jacket that is chillin on the back of one of our dining room chairs.
:: Last night, I couldn't help but notice that the body wash I use claims on the bottle that its scent "helps put you at ease and boosts self-confidence." Really? I am almost finished with this bottle and have never noticed such results in my confidence level! ha! How do they come up with this stuff??
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