I have come to realize that my "photo a day" challenge to myself is just too much. I just don't have the time/capability to keep up with not only taking the pictures but also posting them even every other week. It was a great idea and I still want to live through the concept of cherishing the little moments but I found myself feeling bad at the end of the night that I didn't take a picture and taking one of my bed or closet... or even cheating (I already cheated at least 3-4 times in the posts I did do! haha).
So sadly, I must forfeit the challenge but I will still try to blog occasionally. Blogging was especially great when we didn't have a ton going on, but it kind of became more of a chore than anything... I already feel pretty spread thin with working 40 hours a week, plus church 3x a week, plus extra youth activities/games/concerts, and just keeping up with the house, meals, and also VERY importantly just spending time with my husband!
I do want the record to show that I had a great birthday. Steven worked really hard to plan it and make it special for me- bought me balloons to wake up to, a nice card, took me out to dinner, and even bought me my favorite ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. He got me everything on my birthday list (perfume, jean jacket, and bikini for our trip this summer!)
Here are a few random pictures from lately:
Hopefully I will post soon, but if I don't, I won't feel so guilty about it. :)