It has been a good week here at the Branch household... and it's about to get even better because we are going to CHICAGO with our Seniors this weekend!
To start us off, here are some pictures from our week:
Sunday, March 24- we had a freak Spring snow storm! This was just the beginning when I was walking in to church. We ended up getting over a foot of snow... and when we got home our satellite was covered with snow. So Steven asked our neighbor if he could borrow his extention ladder to sweep it off! That is a dedicated NCAA Tournament fan right there...
And then a picture of me and my buddy Barkley for your viewing pleasure:
March 25- I couldn't help but be thankful for our garage while driving to work Monday morning! Shoveling the driveway stinks but it is great to have a warm, clean car to get into in the mornings!
March 26- the bad thing about the snow is it melts... and then your dog comes inside looking like this! Time to go to the toilet to wash his paws (and neck!)
March 27- remember how my last post I was struggling with feeling unappreciated? Well I got a sweet text from one of our Seniors today... In my reply I told her how it has been my goal since before Steven and I got married to build relationships with our girls where they would feel that way about me. God is so good and I am so glad that He is using me in a small way in their lives.
Have a great weekend- I know we will! :)