*Went to Springfield and packed up all of our stuff
*MOVED into our house!
*Bought a dog!
*Have had both high school and junior high groups over to see the house and dog
*Finished laying down our flooring
*Got a new stove, washer, and dryer
*Had VBS at the church
*Went to my brother Tyler's reception at the Lake of the Ozarks
*Celebrated Steven's birthday
*Began laying white baseboards in the house
*Finally got a lawn mower
*Working on planning the high school Lock-In this Friday!
It has been one of the BUSIEST times of my life... it's like for every bit as bored as I was in Springfield, I am that amount busy with things to do here in O'Fallon. I much prefer it this way, because at the end of the day I feel that I have been productive! I will update soon with pictures!
One last note that I want to remember, last Friday on the way back from Tyler's reception, we stopped to get gas. On Saturday (Steven's birthday), he couldn't find his wallet. I thought it would show up sometime (it usually does) so wasn't too concerned about it. Yesterday, when we still hadn't found it I began to get more serious about looking for it. Steven and I searched the house upside-down at least four times, and looked through both cars several times. We went through all of the clothes in the dirty hamper, lifted up couches, looked behind the fridge, EVERYTHING, and couldn't find it! We checked our bank account, and nobody had been making charges on it though (making Steven's main concern his Six Flags season pass). We called the gas station and everywhere we could think of that we had been, but no one had it.
In the meantime, we made the mistake of leaving Barkley (our dog) unattended in the house while we were both working outside (Steven mowing and me vacumming out the cars). Steven goes back in and I can hear him from outside telling Barkley that he was a bad dog... I knew this couldn't be good so went inside to find that Barkley had found Steven's glasses and made them his new chew toy. We later (but definitely not right then) laughed at how disfigured he had made the glasses! We went to the JCPenney Optical department, where he got them last July, and they should be under warranty so that made our mood better. Anyway, on the way back we were talking about how we needed to find his wallet. I told him that my secret to finding things is praying and asking God to find it for me and then either remind me where it is or put it somewhere where I will find it. I told him I have had a lot of success this way.
Last night, we were getting ready for bed and I was brushing my teeth. I went into our bedroom and was going through a couple of things (yes, while brushing my teeth). I saw our clean pillowcases that we needed to put on our pillows, and tossed them on Steven's night stand, and moved some other stuff around. I noticed Steven's Discipleship book was open on his night stand (we have discipleship tonight) so went over to look at what page he had it open to. Right then something brown and rectangular caught my eye. It was the wallet! Sitting right on top of the night stand, behind the lamp and fan. I did a little squeal (because the toothbrush is still in my mouth) and ran to the bathroom to show Steven and do a little dance. Now, Steven and I had BOTH checked that night stand several times. He had also checked inside all of the drawers. I really do NOT think that it was there before! I asked Steven, and he said that he had asked God to show us where the wallet was by the next night. I may be crazy, but I totally think that it is possible that God picked it up from wherever it was and put it somewhere obvious for us to find.